Keep Your Residents Happy And Free Your Schedule From Dog Waste Complaints Without Impacting Your Budget!
With This DNA-Based Method Of Getting All Your Residents To Pick Up After Their Dog!

Request A Quote Today And Discover How To Get Dog Owners To Start Picking Up After Their Dog
In Just A Few Minutes And Without Upfront Costs That Impact Your Current Budget!
Our tested, proven, and patented method for identifying dogs via DNA will work for you, EVEN IF you’re already extremely busy and on a budget.
In half an hour, we’ll train your staff on how to register a dog in just 5 minutes, so they need not waste time listening and responding to angry residents complaining about dog waste!
Discover how many of the 6,000+ communities that use our service have started without disturbing existing residents or impacting their budgets!
Our DNA lab is the only accredited ISO lab in our industry, so our results are accurate, repeatable, and even stand in court!
Your staff is fully protected because our collection process uses safe and non-toxic materials!